This bouquet consists of 5 stems of chrysanthemum and spray roses. Interspersed amongst the pink flowers are stems of white amaranthus.A variety of leafage completes ideally the bouquet. Greens may vary due to seasonal availability. The bouquet is beautifully wrapped with paper and ribbons in matching colors.For deliveries outside Heraklion the packaging includes a carton box specifically designed to protect the flowers during delivery. The arrangement arrives in a water-filled container, so that the flowers stay hydrated.
943 Items
Pink spray roses combine beautifully with chrysanthemums in pink- purple shades in this cheerful, long lasting bouquet!!!
Everyone loves surprises! This is the opportunity to make your loved ones to smile ...A rich bouquet of 3 lilies, 3 gerberas, 3 roses and lush foliage.
Bright white lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, sending your wish for happiness and tranquility. The lily blooms will continue to open, extending arrangement life - and your recipient's enjoyment.