Bouquet With Colored Chrysanthemums
A large bouquet of 15 colored branches of chrysanthemums with leaves.
Reference: 1012
A large bouquet of 15 colored branches of chrysanthemums with leaves.
Bright white lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, sending your wish for happiness and tranquility. The lily blooms will continue to open, extending arrangement life - and your recipient's enjoyment.
Absolute Passion Double Red Forever Rose in a Glass Dome!!!
Dome base diameter 22cm Height 35cm
A elegant and delicate choice. Pink roses contrasts with the black box making a wonderful combination intended to impress with its simplicity.
A very rich and impressive bunch of flowers Liliums combined with roses and a variety of leafage to fill a big hug!!!
White Bouquet with 20 white roses combined harmonically with 4 oriental and varius greenary .
A classic gift for any occasion,